Reflections on how we might teach character in Chemistry degrees, centring the question “how can I teach students to respect evidence?”
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A short description of the Variety in Chemistry Education/Physics Higher Education Conference (ViCEPHEC), aimed particularly at people who have never been before.
Read MoreA quick analysis of specific demographic groups which might be particularly affected by the voluntary severance schemes currently being offered across many Universities.
Read MoreA personal reflection on the closure of Hull’s Chemistry Department, where I held my first academic post.
Read MoreA reflection on how the lab curriculum might best fit within the modular structure of modern UK HE
Read MoreA short blog trying to draw an analogy between the data we get from crystal structures and the data we get from qualitative studies
Read MoreAn account of an innovative peer assessment for PGR students, with downloads of the key documents.
Read MoreAn argument for lobbying on the HE funding for high-cost subjects
Read MoreReflections on how inorganic exam questions are marked in cases where several theories are capable of rationalising the observations.
Read MoreReflections on my experiences of doing a highly-theoretical maths course in the first year of my Chemistry degree
Read MoreA discussion about whether it would be technically possible to fund PhD studentships through the vehicle of the apprenticeship levy.
Read MoreA blog post on a specific format of exam question which asks students to match up one list with another.
Read MoreReflections on Lecture Capture as a policy decision
Read MoreA short description of the song followed by a reflection on what you might get from listening to it.
Read MoreA discussion of a few pieces of HESA finance data, with a view to thinking about how the community might identify and support at-risk Chemistry Departments.
Read MoreI had a lot of conversations about academic workloads during the superb ViCEPHEC23 conference in Durham. I wanted to collate some of the things I heard into a short blog.
Read MoreAnalysis of the HESA salary data for Chemistry academics, paying particular attention to age, ethnicity, gender, disability, and stratifying this by contract type (teaching-only, research-only, teaching & research).
Read MoreSome reflections on the specific procedures of anticipatory and retrospective administration involved in securing equity in assessments.
Read MoreI’ve written a book of the organic reaction mechanisms I learned for my finals exams. This blog post gives a flavour of what the book looks like.
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